Monday, April 23, 2012

Today's tulips ...

 Tulipa  turkestanica

... and last week's red-winged blackbird.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Singing along with Seventh Day April

 A chickadee perches on the Therese Bugnet rosebush in the herb garden.

The spring soundtrack is playing loud and clear around here. The forecast is for a little snow next week, but today is supposed to warm and sunny. The birds have been active, from the chickadees that stay through the winter to the sweet-sounding red-winged blackbirds that appeared in recent weeks. This week I saw my first cardinal in the yard ever -- a female.

Take a look at what was going on this April 7.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Flowers inside and outside the house

Amaryllis -- maybe 'Red Lion' -- that I overwintered and recently pulled out from its dormancy location in the closet under the stairs. Here it's backlit by the setting sun.

Crocus tommasinianus just starting to bloom near the side door.